Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday Training No. 2 - Couch To 5k

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post I have started the Couch to 5k training program – now I am not a runner, I’m not built to run, nor do I particularly enjoy it, but I’ve always wanted to be able to. I’ve attempted running several times by entering a few 5k runs (Race for Life) and a 10k run (Help A London Child), and each time I have started training with good intentions but no real plan and each time I have given up about a week in and so ended up walking most of the routes on all occasions – poor effort! So after a friend told me that she wanted to run a half marathon this year I thought the least I could do was try and get myself up to being able to run 5k, and hopefully it will help with my Sahara training too.

If you’ve never heard of it the Couch to 5k program is designed to build beginners up to running 5k within about 8 weeks, it starts you off with short bursts of running (60secs) mixed with walking (90secs) in 30min batches and slowly builds you up to more running and less walking. I downloaded an app onto my iPod so that I could listen to my music at the same time – all the while being interrupted by the voice telling me when to run or walk. I started yesterday, (in the rain no less!) and actually didn’t feel too bad afterwards, so I think maybe my other training has been paying off. My thighs are pretty achy today and walking down stairs is proving tricky but as I didn’t fall over or pass out I’m feeling quite pleased with myself. Though I may never run a marathon I am determined to manage a full 5k in the not too distant future, and hopefully in 8 weeks time I will be able to tell you that I have done just that.

For all you runners out there, any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated!

Run no.2 is scheduled for tomorrow evening and tonight I’m booked in for a spin class – wish me luck!

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